About Us
Founded in late 2019, our vision at Zoom Lab is to create robots that can mechanically conform to the environment or objects that they interact with to alleviate the need for high-speed, high-accuracy, and high-precision controllers. We pursue this goal by developing compliant mechanisms for manipulators and robots, focusing on bio-inspiration and unconventional materials, and engaging with the community to increase interest in science and engineering.
We are a part of the Robotics Insitute at Carnegie Mellon University.
If you are looking to join us, click here. To get more information about research and facilities, click here.
Feel free to stop by our lab in Wean 1302 to see our amazing robots in action!
Welcome to Fokion and Guadalupe our new PhD Students
9 September '24
Jennifer successfully defended her Masters thesis, "DeltaWalker: A Soft, Linearly Actuated Delta Quadruped Robot"
26 July '24
Chris successfully defended his Masters thesis "Improving Lego Assembly with Vibro-Tactile Feedback"!
24 July '24
Tilde: Teleoperation for Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation Learning with a DeltaHand wins Best Paper Award in Dexterous Manipulation workshop @ RSS 2024
15 July '24
Spencer successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations Dr. Matonis!
8 July '24